pp108 : Functions of Measures

Functions of Measures

This topic describes the measures that Process Platform BAM uses for monitoring business processes and to track volumes - that is, values and counts of different aspects of the processes and their associated transaction.

The following are the Standard Measures:

Table 1. Standard Measure for All Processes

Measure Name

Web Service Operation Name


Total no. of instances for all processes


Provides the count of all instances for all processes.

Total no. of waiting instances for all processes


Provides the count of all instances with 'waiting' status for all processes.

Total no. of completed instances for all processes


Provides the count of all instances with 'complete' status for all processes.

Total no. of aborted instances for all processes


Provides the count of all instances with 'aborted' status for all processes.

Table 2. Standard Measure for Specific Process

Measure Name

Web Service Operation Name


Average completion time of a process


Provides average completion time for all instances of a specific process.

Total no. of instances of a process


Provides the total count of all instances for a specific process.

Total no. waiting instances of a process


Provides the count of all instances with 'waiting' status for a specific process.

Total no. of completed instances of a process


Provides the count of all instances with 'complete' status for a specific process.

Total no. of aborted instances of a process


Provides the count of all instances with 'aborted' status for a specific process.

Percentage of waiting instances of a Process


Provides the percentage of process instances with 'waiting' status with regard to total number of process instances.

Percentage of completed instances of a Process


Provides the percentage of process instances with 'complete' status with regard to total number of process instances.

Percentage of aborted instances of a Process


Provides the percentage of process instances with 'aborted' status with regard to total number of process instances.

Table 3. Standard Measure for Specific Activity

Measure Name

Web Service Operation Name


Average completion time of an activity


Provides average completion time for all instances of a specific activity.

Total no. of instances of an activity


Provides the count of all instances for a specific activity.

Total no. waiting instances of an activity


Provides the count of all instances with 'waiting' status for a specific activity.

Total no. completed instances of an activity


Provides the count of all instances with 'complete' status for a specific activity.

Total no. aborted instances of an activity


Provides the count of all instances with 'aborted' status for a specific activity.

Percentage of waiting instances of an activity


Provides the percentage of activity instances with 'waiting' status with regard to total number of activity instances.

Percentage of completed instances of an activity


Provides the percentage of activity instances with 'complete' status with regard to total number of activity instances.

Percentage of aborted instances of an activity


Provides the percentage of activity instances with 'aborted' status with regard to total number of activity instances.

Average Completion Time for Path


Provides the Average Time taken to traverse from the start of the process to end of the selected activity.
Note: This measure is used for processes which have multiple activities leading to multiple completion paths. This is explained below with an example. For example, assume that a manufacturing company has an Order Approval Process which approves the customers order based on its Account status. If the Account status is OK, the order is shipped otherwise, the Order is cancelled. This process comprises two essential activities leading to completion of the process:

  • Order shipped
  • Order cancelled
    If the Process Manager wants Average Completion Time only for shipped orders then, it can be calculated by making use of the above measure which would calculate the average difference between Completion time of the Shipped Order activity and Start time of the Order Approval Process.

Related tasks

Attaching a Business Measure
Creating a Business Measure Using Standard Measures